Welcome to The Superview Lodge , Pokhara , Nepal

 The journey begins... Everyone wants to dream, discover and explore, to find that indefinable Pokhara and its surrounding Himalaya that personal nirvana, that mind-blowing adventure, that elusive reality we so yearn for... And that's exactly what happens at Super View Lodge - dreams become reality...

Superview Lodge stands still at an altitude of 1592 mtrs in the hills of Sarangkot, 7 km from Pokhara. A cottage style Hotel with all the morden Facilities, that can truely create a treasure trove of memories that will colour your life in the years to come. Take a sip of coffee early in the morning with the himalaya, the moment then can be cashed for the whole life experience.

Views of beautiful and mesmerising Himalaya; create a treasure trove of memories that will colour your life in the years to come. Experience a sense of beauty, calm and leisure; know that your diverse needs, wishes and unspoken desires are coming true... Take that step towards The superview Lodge.